
9 May 2014

  • All catch and effort, landings and TACC releated summaries have been updated to 30 September 2013. None of the economics related data (e.g. port prices, quota ownership) has been updated.

4 June 2013

  • The layout of FONZ has been changed. Now there are four separate pages: home, summaries, about and updates. We have also made further changes to the styling of the site. This update does not change the content of any summaries.

8 April 2013

  • Additional text summaries have been added for several activities (e.g offshore trawling targeting alfonsino/bluenose, tarakihi trawling off the east coast of the North Island)

15 March 2013

  • All catch and effort summaries have been updated to 30 September 2012. None of the economics related data (e.g. port prices, quota ownership) has been updated.
  • There have been some changes to fisheries definitions and data grooming.

23 March 2012

  • Bullet point summaries have been added to some of the pages related to South Island inshore trawl and line activities. The bullet points summarise some of the trends seen in the tables and graphs and, in some cases, give additional background information. We hope to add similar textual summaries to other pages over time.
  • Bottom lining targeting school shark (SCH) has been defined as a distinct activity (previously it was lumped into bottom lining targetting other species)
  • The geographic split for bottom lining (BLL) targeting hapuku-bass (HPB) has been redfined so that Cook Strait represents a distinct activity separate from South and North Island HPB BLL activities.
  • Netting targeting tarakihi (TAR) has had sub-activities defined for two areas where it has most often been done: Kaikoura and Bay of Plenty (previously there were no sub-activities so that these two geographically distinct areas were lumped together).
  • The seasonal definition for spawning related trawling targeting hoki (HOK) has been expanded to include June and October. Also a non-spawning season Cook Strait activity has been added (previously lumped under 'Other').
  • A history panel as been added to the web interface to aid navigation. This makes it easier to jump back to a segment you visited earlier.